Update 2024-11-02: Added Churning.io link to top of Feeds page — excellent Reddit search tool. Shortened Profitable Content Bank Bonuses by State link to By State to make room. Thanks to my friend for sharing this excellent tool with me today!

As I mentioned a few months ago, I have a Feeds page which is very handy. It aggregates more than a dozen resources related to the bank bonus hunting game — blog, vlog & podcast feeds. The Feeds page also includes some handy links — at the top of the page — to various resources I check each day in addition to what is presented to me in the feeds list. Please click on the aforementioned link for more details about what the Feeds page is.

Here’s what I do each day.

I only rely on this Feeds page — once or twice per day — to quickly gain access to all the new information I need.

Feeds List. I scan the top of the feeds list for any new entries — usually there might be a couple or a handful. If interested I then click on the article to take me to the respective resource, whether it be a blog article, youtube video or podcast.

After scanning that list, I then check the following via the links at the top of the Feeds page:

MEAB. I check Miles Earn and Burn next. Matt has a lot of extremely valuable information here on bonus hunting, travel hacking and more. I also rely on Matt’s site for the daily deals / gift card offers, as he often mentions the ones I am actually interested in doing — the Feeds page is pretty much devoid of deals and travel related news.

DoC Contact Us. I then check DoC Contact Us page. This page on Doctor of Credit often has a lot of brand new information in there that has not yet been made into an article on DoC.

Bank Bonuses By State. This is from RJ’s Profitable Content blog which has an excellent filter by state. I also like the concise & consistent format he uses for his blog articles for bank deals, making it easy to quickly execute the deal. (I use this link often but not every day.)

r/Churning. After the above I also check the bottom three entries in the r/Churning feeds list towards the bottom of the Feeds page. I click the link to the top right to take me to that section of the page. Like DoC Contact Us, there is a lot of new information shared here on Reddit.

The reason I check only the bottom three, is that the bottom three fall off the list each and every day as the list is only 10 articles long. By checking just the bottom three it also allows for newer articles to mature more, allowing a couple of days more of replies to the Reddit post.

Hustler Money Blog. Then lastly, I occasionally glance through this feeds list at the bottom of the feeds page. They post frequently, often up to 5-10 or so articles per day. So this is why I separated it from the rest and why it is at the bottom of the Feeds page. Despite the frequent article reposts, I occasionally find some unique deals here, and worth glancing over from time to time.

Here is a screen recording video of me showing how I do my daily routine, as I described above.

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4 thoughts on “My Daily Bonus Hunting Routine via Feeds Page

  1. This is my daily routine too. This feeds page is super useful too filter out unnecessary things from other sites.

    1. Thanks I am happy you enjoy the tool. A friend just told me about Churning.io search and just added that link to the top of the Feeds page!

      1. I used churning.io a lot in the beginning ( I’m just 5 months in to churning) but not anymore, because I feel it is easy to search in perplexity.ai by pointing to /r/churning subreddit there or feeding doc site to perplexity and ask your question.

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