Update 2024-12-31: Added Frequent Miler Credit Cards and Credit Card Bonuses articles
Update 2024-11-02: Added Churning.io link to top of Feeds page — excellent Reddit search tool. Shortened Profitable Content Bank Bonuses by State link to By State to make room.
Update 2024-08-15: Added Mr. Money Mustache blog to the feeds list.
Update 2024-08-15: Added All the Hacks blog to the feeds list.
Update 2024-08-14: Added Churning Life Podcast to the feeds list.
Update 2024-08-10: Added r/Churning towards bottom in separate list.
The Wednesday Morning Weekly — July 24, 2024.
A new Bonus Hunting Feeds page has been added to the web site — see the Feeds link in the menu above. This is a compilation of feeds related to bank account & credit card bonus hunting from a dozen different resources. This includes the latest blog articles, videos as well as podcast episodes.
What is interesting about this set of feeds is that it entirely focuses on bank account and credit card bonus hunting and is mostly devoid of deals, offers, gift cards, etc. This feeds page is meant to function as a handy resource when wanting to focus on bonus hunting and not being distracted by say for example a free hamburger or some random offer with restrictive limits and exclusions in the fine print.
Another similar feeds page was added a few weeks ago, but it only offered them as a set of individual feeds. That page view is still available but a new one has been added which aggregates the feeds into a single feed sorted by date and time — and is now the default feed page when you click on it in the menu above; (you can switch to the individual feeds view — and back — by clicking a link at the top of either feeds page.)
I am happy to make this available as I personally find this a valuable resource for staying on top of the bonus hunting game, not being distracted by deals and offers. I use this Bonus Hunting Feeds page every day to keep up with the latest.
Individual web sites don’t always have all the latest bonus hunting deals, but when you aggregate them you get exposed to them all without having to check a dozen different sites. This is why I find this handy, as it pulls them altogether sorted by date & time. Again, blog articles are pulled in along with YouTube videos as well as Podcasts — they are all aggregated together.
You’ll also notice at the top of both feeds pages there are some extra links:
- Bank Bonuses by State. This is Profitable Content’s wonderful tool for filtering all the bank account bonuses on the Profitable Content blog by the state you live in. As I have mentioned before, I really appreciate the concise and consistent format RJ uses, which quickly conveys all the details needed to easily execute the bank account bonus deal in short order.
- DoC Contact Us. This page often has many brand new bank bonuses, credit card deals, etc. which are not yet published or updated in a blog article on DoC.
- DoC. I provided this link here as a handy way to quickly jump to entire DoC site — travel, offers, deals, gift cards and all — if you so desire.
- MEAB. I added Miles Earn and Burn here as Matt often has many great tips regarding making money with bank accounts and credit cards — and much more.
- r/Churning. This is also added since it is an important resource on Reddit.
Hustler Money Blog. You’ll notice Hustler Money Blog isn’t aggregated with the rest of the resources at the top of the Aggregated Feeds page, but is separate from them and located at the bottom of that page instead. This is because Hustler Money Blog updates their blog at a much higher frequency compared to the rest, often repeating the same deals several times in a short time period. So it makes sense to have them separate at the bottom of the page, yet it’s also important to include them so all of the deals can be seen — they do at times have many unique deals.
r/Churning Feed. Added this on July 10, 2024. In addition to the r/Churning link at the top of the page I decided to add a feed of the 10 latest posts form r/Churning.
List of Current Resources. Cashback Cow, Profitable Content, DoC Bank Accounts, DoC Credit Cards, Maximizing Money, Danny The Deal Guru, Hustler Money Blog, Run on The Bank Youtube channel, RJ Financial YouTube channel, Bank Account Bonus Central Youtube channel, The Daily Churn Podcast, Churner’s Digest Podcast, Churning Life Podcast, All The Hacks Podcast, Mr. Money Mustache blog, along with r/Churning.
I hope you find this tool as useful as myself. I will improve the formatting/appearance of this aggregated feeds page over time, but I felt it was important to start sharing now, as it is very useful as is.

Bank Bonus Hunter Being Fed Gold Nuggets & Gems