1TC. One Time Use Card
401(k). Employer sponsored retirement savings account in the USA
401(k) Roth. Contributions are made with post-tax dollars.
401(k) Traditional. Contributions are made with pre-tax dollars.
5/24. Chase 5/24 Rule
A+. Barclay’s Arrival Plus
AA. American Airlines or Asset Allocation
AAoA. Average Age of Accounts
ABC. American Express Business Checking
ABG. American Express Business Gold card. Also known as BGR.
ABP. American Express Business Platinum card
ACATS. Automated Customer Account Transfer Service
ACH. Automated Clearing House
AF. Annual Fee
AFAICT. As Far As I Can Tell
AFAIK. As Fas As I Know
AI. Aligned Incentives — gift card buying group; Artificial Intelligence
AMEX. American Express
AMF. Annual Membership Fee
AO. Amex Offer
AOR. App-O-Rama — applying for multiple credit cards the same day.
APG. American Express Personal Gold
APP. American Express Personal Platinum
App-O-Rama. Applying for multiple credit cards the same day.
APR. Annual Percentage Rate
APY. Annual Percentage Yield
AS. Alaska Airlines
ATH. All Time High
AU. Authorized User
AUM. Assets Under Management
AW. Apple Wallet
BABC. Bank Account Bonus Central
BB. Amex BlueBird
BBB. Better Business Bureau
BBC. American Express Blue Business Cash
BBP. American Express Blue Business Plus
BBY. Best Buy
BCCR. Business Customized Cash Rewards credit card by BofA
BCE. Blue Cash Everyday (Amex)
BCP. Blue Cash Preferred (Amex)
BFMR. Buy For Me Retail — buying group
BG. Buying Group
BG. BuyingGroup.com — the artist formerly known as TDB
BGR. American Express Business Gold card. Also known as ABG.
BH. Bonus Hunting
BHEF. Bonus Hunting / Emergency Fund
BHN. Blackhawk Network
BIA. Business Investor Account by ML — can be used for BofA Biz Preferred Rewards status
BIN. Bank Identification Number
BoA / BOA / BofA. Bank of America
BRM. Business Relationship Manager
BCCR. BofA Business Advantage Customized Cash Rewards credit card
BUCR. BofA Business Advantage Unlimited Cash Rewards credit card
CA. Cash Advance
CB. Cash Back / Coinbase / Cash Balance / Credit Bureau
CBC. Chase Business Checking
CC. Credit Card
CCC. Citi Custom Cash
CCR. Customized Cash Rewards credit card by Bank of America
CD. Certificate of Deposit
CDC. Citi Double Cash
CDP. Churner’s Digest Podcast
CF. Chase Freedom
CFPB. Consumer Finance Protection Bureau
CFF. Chase Freedom Flex
CFOG. Chase Freedom OG
CFU. Chase Freedom Unlimited
CG. Capital Gains
CIC. Chase Ink Business Cash
CIP. Chase Ink Preferred
Citi SP. Citi Strata Premier
CIU. Chase Ink Unlimited
CK. Credit Karma
CL. Credit Limit
CLI. Credit Limit Increase
CO. Capital One
COL. Cost of Living
COSO. Capital One Savor One credit card
COLA. Cost of Living Adjustment
CPC. Chase Private Client
CPP. Cents Per Point
CR. Credit Report
CR+. Citi Rewards Plus card
CSE. Citi Strata Elite.
CSP. Chase Sapphire Preferred
CSR. Chase Sapphire Reserve or Customer Service Representative
CTC. Chase Total Checking
CU. Credit Union
DBA. Doing Business As
DC. Double Cash
DD. Direct Deposit
DDA. Demand Deposit Account — e.g. checking & savings
DDG / DTDG. Danny the Deal Guru
DG. Dollar General
DICB. Discover It Cashback credit card
DIM. Discover It Miles credit card
DL. Delta Airlines
DM. Direct Message — e.g. private message between two individuals on Discord
DNB. Dun & Bradstreet
DOB. Date of Birth
DoC. Doctor of Credit
DP. Datapoint
DT. Dollar Tree
EC. Employee Card
ECOA. Equal Credit Opportunity Act
EF. Emergency Fund
EIN. Employer Identification Number
ETF. Early Termination Fee or Exchange Traded Fund
EQ. Equifax
EX. Experian
FB. Facebook
FCRA. Fair Credit Reporting Act
FCU. Federal Credit Union
FD. Family Dollar
FI. Financial Independence
Fido. Fidelity
FIRE. Financial Independence, Retire Early
FOAF. Friend of a friend.
FOMO. Fear of Missing Out
FP. Fuel Points — Kroger
FPP. Fluz Power Portal
FHR. Fine Hotels & Resorts
FNC. Free Night Certificate
FR. Financial Review
ESPP. Employee Stock Purchase Plan
FTF. Foreign Transaction Fee
FWIW. For what it’s worth
Gardening. Gardening Chase 5/24 Status
GC. Gift Card
GCB. Gift Card Balance
GCP. Gift Card Prepayment
GE. Global Entry
GL. General Ledger
GoC. Gift of College
GTFO. Garden The Flexible Options — lol
HH. Hilton Honors
HI. Homeowner’s Insurance
HP. Hard Pull / Inquiry
HSA. Health Savings Account
HUCA. Hang Up and Call Again
HYSA. High Yield Savings Account
IDK. I don’t know.
IYKYK. If you know, you know
IME. In My Experience
IMO. In My Opinion
IMHO. In My Honest Opinion
IIRC. If I Recall Correctly
IPS. Investment Policy Statement
IRA. Individual Retirement Account
IRA Roth. Contributions are made with post-tax dollars.
IRA Traditional. Contributions are made with pre-tax dollars.
K&S. Keep & Switch — T-Mobile
KISS. Keep It Simple, Stupid — from Bogleheads
KYC. Know Your Customer
LFG. Let’s F***ing Go
LL. Lifetime Language
LLC. Limited Liability Company
LR. Laurel Road
LT. Long Term
LTCG. Long Term Capital Gains
MC. Mastercard
MCC. Merchant Category Code
MCGC. Mastercard Gift Card
MDD. Modified Double Dip
MEAB. Miles Earn And Burn
MID. Merchant Identification
ML. Merrill Lynch
MM. Money Market
MMM. Mr. Money Mustache
MO. Money Order or Missouri
MOD. Max Out Deals — buying group
MR. American Express Membership Rewards points
MUC. Multiple Use Card
MS. Manufactured Spending
MSR. Minimum Spending Requirement
NAICS. North American Industry Classification System
NCUA. National Credit Union Administration
NDS. Non-Discretionary Spend
NGL. Not Gonna Lie
NLL. No Lifetime Language
NWTH. Not Worth The Hit
OD. Office Depot
OM. Office Max
ODOM. Office Depot & Office Max
OOP. Out of Pocket
OOS. Out Of State
OP. Original Post(er)
OV. OneVanilla
P1 / P2 / etc. Player 1, Player 2, etc.
PBP. Pay By Phone
PC. Product Change (Conversion) / Profitable Content / Personal Computer
PCU. Personal Credit Utilization
PH. Platinum Honors — a Bank of America Preferred Rewards status tier
PLOC. Personal Line of Credit
PM. Points Maker — buying group
PM. Private Message — e.g. a private message between two individuals on MMM Forum
PO. Post Office
POD. Payable on Death — to beneficiary
PoPo. Power Portal
POT. Pay Over Time
PP. PayPal or Priority Pass or Power Portal
PPBP. PayPal Bill Pay
POID. Product Offer Identifier
PR. BofA Premium Rewards credit card
PRE. BofA Premium Rewards Elite credit card
PT. Property Tax or Part Time
PUJ. Pop Up Jail — Amex
PYB. Pay Yourself Back
QDD. Qualified Direct Deposit
Recon. Reconsideration Line
RAT. American Express Rewards Abuse Team
Rep. Representative
RH. Robinhood
RHG. Robinhood Gold
RHGC. Robinhood Gold Card
ROI. Return On Investment
ROS. Return On Spend
RSU. Restricted Stock Unit
RT. Round Trip
S2G5. Spend $2k get 5K MR
S4G7. Spend $4k get 7K MR
S4G15. Spend $4k get 15K MR
SBB. Small Business Banker
SC. Statement Credit
SCO. Self Checkout
SEO. Search Engine Optimization
SD. Shutdown
SGOV. iShares 0-3 Month Treasury Bond ETF — short term US govt debt
SK. Sidekick
SM. Secure Message
SMB. Small to Medium (sized) Business.
SMH. Shake my head.
SPM. Synchrony Premier Mastercard
SPG. Starwood Preferred Guest
SR. Spending Requirement
SSA. Social Security Administration
SSDI. Social Security Disability Insurance
SSI. Supplemental Security Income
SSN. Social Security Number
ST. Short Term
STCG. Short Term Capital Gains
SUB. Sign Up Bonus
SW. Southwest
SWW. Something Went Wrong
SYW. Citi Shop Your Way
SYWR. Shop Your Way Rewards
T&C. Terms and Conditions
TBH. To Be Honest
TDCP. The Daily Churn Podcast
TIL. Today I Learned
TL. Tradeline
TLDR / TL;DR. Too Long Didn’t Read
T-BILL / Treasury Bill. Short term US govt debt security (4 to 52 weeks)
T-NOTE / Treasury Note. Medium term U.S. govt debt security (2-10 years)
T-BOND / Treasury Bond. Long term U.S. govt debt security (20 or 30 years)
TOD. Transfer on Death — to beneficiary/beneficiaries
TODD. Transfer on Death Deed
TPG. The Points Guy
TT. Turbo Tax
TU. TransUnion
TYP. Citi Thank You Points
UA. United Airlines
UCR. Unlimited Cash Rewards — personal credit card by BofA
Unicorn. A rare bank deal / feature, much like the mythical creature.
UR. Chase Ultimate Reward Points
USB. US Bank
USBAR. US Bank Altitude Reserve card
USBBTC. US Bank Business Triple Cash — “trip cash” is more commonly used
USPS. United States Postal Service
UTB. United Travel Bank
VGC. VISA Gift Card
VGT. Vanguard Information Technology Index Fund ETF
VOO. Vanguard S&P 500 ETF
VTI. Vanguard Total Stock Market Index ETF
VZW. Verizon Wireless
WBE. Wyndham Biz Earner card
WDYM. What Do You Mean?
WF. Wells Fargo or Whole Foods
WFAC. Wells Fargo Active Cash
WTF. What The F***
WM / WMT. Walmart
WN. Southwest Airlines
WoH. World of Hyatt
WU. Western Union
YMMV. Your Mileage May Vary
YOLO. You Only Live Once