This calculates the estimated profit given: 1) the current cost of the gold bars at Costco, 2) your selling price, 3) the reseller’s cut %, 4) the cashback you get on the credit card used for the purchase, and 5) an optional 2% cashback if you have a Costco Executive Membership and haven’t reached the $62.5k annual cap. (Disclaimer: use this calculator at your own risk — you should manually verify the calculator is working according to your expectations.)
Costco Bar Cost ($) | |
Sell Price ($) | |
Reseller’s Cut (%) | |
Credit Card CB (%) | |
Executive Membership CB (%) | |
Number of Bars | |
Total Profit | |
Total Bar Cost | |
Profit % |
Generate a link to this calculator with your above data, and copy it to your clipboard. You can then paste it anywhere you like — e.g. in a blog entry, your journal or to perhaps share with some friends in Discord.
The formula for this calculator is currently as follows:
var total_profit = nbars * (barcost * (ccrate + emrate) / 100 - (barcost - sellprice * (100 - rcutrate) / 100));
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