I mentioned in my recent frugality related article on Rotating Streaming Services, that I had quit Amazon Prime a while back because I was not satisfied with the increased membership price, commercials in Prime Video, the prices and quality of their services. In that article I also gave a link to a MMM forum post where many others discuss why they have quit prime as well.
Occasionally from time to time I get free month offers from Amazon. I just checked and they are offering it to me now. Are you not currently subscribed to Amazon Prime and also offered the same? You can find out as well here, https://www.amazon.com/amazonprime. Here’s a screenshot of my offer:

I am now going to subscribe for free, then immediately cancel to lock in a free 30 days. Incidentally for the next 30 days my Chase Amazon Prime will get 5% cashback instead of 3% which is nice — however I can get 7%+ back with Pepper so that’s moot really.
So I clicked “Start your free 30-day trial” in the screenshot above. I was then presented with the following, including offering me two free Audible titles which I happily obliged to by checking it. There is no charge for the first month of Audible, and as long as I cancel within 30 days I will end up with two free titles I can listen to forever for free.

So I am now subscribed to Prime and get it free for 30 days. This is nice because I had like $20 of items in the cart, not quite $35 for the free shipping. Now I don’t have wait until I accumulate $15 more of items in the cart. I can order it now. Also, this is Amazon Prime month — the 16 & 17th — so I can get free shipping on anything I might buy then. (But to be truthful, there have been many many Prime days where I have bought nothing because I just didn’t really need anything — contently frugal.)
So being signed up I went to immediately cancel the service. Go to Your Account page and click Prime.

Click Manage Membership.

Click End Membership.

Click “Continue to cancel” button.

Click “End on <date_here>” button.

Now that Prime has been cancelled, I am going to get my two free titles and cancel Audible. Not knowing where to go I went to https://audible.amazon.com and it took me to the right place. I then clicked on Audible Membership from that page and got the following:

So sure enough there are my two free credits with the same next billing date as my prime membership was before I just cancelled it above.
I proceeded to purchase the following two audible books:
- The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins
- The Boglehead’s Guide to the Three-Fund Portfolio

Now time to cancel Audible. Go back to Audible Membership (mentioned above) then click Settings. Then click Cancel Membership link.

Of course with Amazon there are endless other screens. Go through them all and continue to cancel. Here we are now:

All done! Free thirty days of Amazon Prime and two free Audible books. All cancelled.