I applied for the new US Bank Smartly VISA Signature card this morning. It’s a beautiful metal card — drool. Although I do agree with Matt from MEAB it’s not the greatest name to give this BEAST of a card. I think they stupidly chose Smartly for the card name. Perhaps Beastly, Cashback Commander, or just Commander would of been a cooler name. 😺

The reason I applied for this card is that I collect many 2%+ cards with unlimited caps for various reasons — as you can imagine. IFYKYK.
Declined. I am sad to say my ass got declined — 😠LOL. Me applying for 15 credit cards over a two day period about 1 1/2 months ago probably has something to do with being denied! (Was approved for 7 of the 15 cards, and will do a write up soon on that AOR as I have promised before.) It was that or the fact I had 15 hard inquiries with TransUnion; or maybe it’s because my Chase 5/24 status is 12/24. 😹

As soon as I can get enough cash into the US Bank self directed brokerage account I’ll try for this card again later. Or perhaps I might have to PC my US Bank Cash+ to the Stupidly VISA.. err I mean Smartly VISA.
I’ll see what the denial letter says and try a call to the reconsideration line, otherwise bye bye US Bank Cash+ perhaps.
You know they had a pre approval link where you could check without getting an inquiry. 😉
I tried that one, but I’m glad I wasn’t pre-approved as I’d rather just PC my Cash+.
LOL, I did not now that 🙂 I am going to laugh if after I get the letter and I call the reconsideration line, they accept me.
Seems like a great card for the IFYKYK.