Update 11/4/2024. Sign up bonus offer of $200 expires on 12/2/2024. Referral.
Update 9/30/2024. Sign up bonus offer of $200 expires on 10/31/2024.
Update 8/26/2024. Sign up bonus offer of $200 expires on 9/30/2024.
Originally posted 7/24/2024:
As you might already know Upgrade often has a decent sign up bonus of usually $200 for their Rewards Checking Plus account — last month it was a record breaking $300! But even more lucrative are their referral campaigns. I’ll share my recent experience:
I signed up for this account in mid April of this year for the $200 sign up bonus — a friend of mine got $50 for using his referral code. At the time, as far as I knew, that was the highest it had ever been. I direct deposited the money via Fidelity soon after opening and Upgrade paid out within five days. (You have 45 days to direct deposit $1000 into the bank, there are no checking fees and no closure rules. It’s Nationwide.)
I knew I’d be keeping the account open as I figured I’d probably get some referral bonuses over time. Often the referral bonus is $50 for the referrer and $200 for the referee, allowing you to sign up to ten people each campaign. (Sometimes they only offer $50/$150 for the referral like they did me the first month I had it, so I didn’t sign anyone up during that time period.)
What I didn’t expect was that, the very next month in May, they would increase the referral bonus to $100 for the referrer and $300 for the referee — not everyone got this referral program offer but I was a lucky targeted one. It was hot and large numbers wanted the account. I very quickly maxed out my ten referrals of $100 each. Nine out of ten came through so I ended up with $900 extra cash shortly after opening this account — so I got $1100 in total in around 2 1/2 months.
And guess what? They do these campaigns multiple times per year. There is a new campaign happening already and I can refer ten more people now (from my understanding) — and I have only had this account open for about three months. This time around I’d get $50 for each referral and the referee gets $200.
In my opinion, I think this account is worth signing up for and keeping indefinitely for these referrals. Hopefully they will keep these referral campaigns going. Additionally, they give you cashback on their debit card which is very handy! Also they offer a savings account with around 5% APY.
If interested, my referral link is here: https://upgrade.com/r/zoSdrIMXmZ.
For the details on this deal along with a video, you can visit: Profitable Content. RJ also has a referral link there on his page.

Bonus hunters teaming up to make the bank’s moolah their moo-lah!